How long does shipping usually take?

Our shipping times are between 2-3 days depending on your address

How do I get a refund?

We offer a hundred percent refund or missing packages. You can choose to have us reship or refund in full. We however offer refunds only for missing packages and under no other condition once your order is processed

How do I place an order?

 Don’t worry! Ordering from us is easy. Follow these easy steps.
Tour the shop to choose your desired products, next add them to the cart.
Continue to cart, review your items, double-check that they are correct, apply coupon codes. (apply BTC15 code to get 15 of if paying with bitcoin)
Proceed to checkout, fill in the shipping address information for the order to be delivered
Review the information. Click the “Place Order” button.

What do I do if I receive the wrong product?

Customer satisfaction is one of our main priorities. Please contact us, or speak with one of our live agents, and we will certainly resolve the problem.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept paypal, credit card and Skrill.

Is It legal in the Uk?

We package and ship all our orders discreetly. All our packages always arrive without any issues so you have nothing to worry about.

When will you ship my order?

Your order is shipped within the same day when payment has been confirmed.

How do I pay?

Send us an email at to get payment processing details

What is the minimum order?

The minimum order is 300 pounds

Do you ship outside of the UK?

Yes, we do ship to other European countries. Germany, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Austria, and many more.